5 Tips For A Calm Thanksgiving With Your Child

5 Tips For A Calm Thanksgiving With Your Child

Between family and friends coming together and cooking recipes that require detailed timing, without a doubt Thanksgiving can be a stressful time. But what about the kids? Ever have a moment while trying to prepare for the event where they just are overwhelming you...
Interoception – Understanding What’s Inside

Interoception – Understanding What’s Inside

Imagine being at the park. You are sitting at a picnic table, reading. You notice you are starting to get too hot, so you move into the shade. This triggers you to realize you are thirsty so you drink some cold water you brought with you. An hour later, you sense you...
Proprioception- All the facts!

Proprioception- All the facts!

It’s a fancy word for the sensory input that gets transferred from our joints and muscles to tell us about our body position in relation to our environment. It’s really that simple. Input from the environment is received through muscle contraction and...

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