little girl eating a bowl of something at the table

Free Mealtime Success Guide

Does your picky eater make mealtime stressful?

We all know the stress and overwhelm of trying to expand the foods your child eats. Perhaps they won’t even look at a new food introduced to their plate…

Our goal is to take you from

“I don’t even know where to start…” to

“I can do this!”

The Empower Kids Therapy approach combines sensory experiences matched with proven therapy strategies to provide a safe, fun, and explorative mealtime.

Enter your name & email to receive our

free mealtime success guide!

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Our Process For New Evaluations


Intake Call

We schedule an intake call to review concerns and challenges and review next steps. We will send you our intake paperwork.


We Review Paperwork

Our therapists review the intake paperwork and an other necessary documentation to understand your child.


In Person Evaluation

Our therapist conducts and in-person evaluation - usually between 60-90 minutes. We perform standardized testing as deemed appropriate.



We review initial concerns from the evaluation and collaborate on goal areas.


Detailed Report

Our therapist writes up a formal, detailed report for a clear picture of your child's strengths and areas of need.


Review Report

We review the report on a brief call. As a team, we determine the best schedule for your child's areas of need.

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