How To Avoid Mealtime Battles with a Picky Eater

😩 Is mealtime frustration becoming a daily emotional battle for your family?
🍽️ Are you tired of preparing multiple meals to satisfy your picky eater’s preference?
🍎 Are you fearful that your picky eater is not getting all the essentials to grow and thrive?
🌟Do you want to bring joy and calm at mealtimes?

If you answered yes to any of these questions,

then you are ready to discover how my online feeding course can help transform mealtimes into enjoyable experiences for both you and your child!

Course Details


Samantha Stiles


  • Learn effective techniques to decrease stress and create a positive mealtime environment
  • Gain practical strategies to structure meals for success
  • Discover tools tailored to support your child’s unique developmental needs
  • Foster exploration and curiosity in your child’s relationship with food
  • Find joy and satisfaction in mealtimes as your child expands their food choices

I understand these struggles and are here to help you overcome them.

My goal is to take you from:

“I don’t even know where to start” to a position of confidence and empowerment, where you can proudly declare:

“I can do this!”

Don’t let picky eating dictate your family’s mealtime experience any longer!

I’m Samantha!

I believe that every child has the potential to explore and enjoy a wide range of food. I am committed to help you unlock that potential.

In this comprehensive course, you will gain invaluable information and practical tools to transform mealtimes into enjoyable and stress-free experiences.

As an occupational therapist of 10+ years and extensive continuing education in feeding, I will guide you through concrete strategies on how to structure meals effectively, decrease stress during mealtimes, and create an explorative atmosphere for new foods, therefore, helping your child build confidence and curiosity in trying new flavors and textures.

My self-paced course is carefully designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, requiring less than 2 hours of your time.

Join me on this transformative journey and unlock the joy of mealtime together!

Sign up for this course today and take the first step towards building a healthy and harmonious relationship between your child and food. Together, we can make mealtimes a source of joy, connection, and exploration.

Not sure if my course is the right fit to support your family’s needs?

Check out the answers to our frequently asked questions below:

Who is this course for?

This course is for any parent who has a picky eater between the ages of 1-10, with some strategies applicable for up to teenage years.

How do you present the material?

The material is present in short video form. I discuss information based on each slide as I present. You are provided with the slides to follow along, but much of the information comes from me speaking.

How long are the videos?

There are 11 total modules with videos each varying between 5-15 minutes. This allows you to complete each section as you have time. Which I know is helpful for you busy parents!

How long do I have to watch the videos?

You will have 60 days from the date of purchase to complete the videos.

What is I have further questions about the course or my child?

If you have questions about the course do not hesitate to email me at: [email protected]

If you are interested in speaking about further services including 1:1 occupational therapy! Feel free to book a consultation call. I am able to offer services in person for those in Orlando, FL and virtual services for those outside of Orlando, FL.

What is the refund policy?

Rest assured that your satisfaction is my top priority. In the unlikely event that you find this course does not meet your expectations, I offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. I will refund the full cost of the course- no questions asked!

When and how do I get access to the materials?

You get immediate access through the online system on our website.

How much of an investment is this course?

This course isn’t about the price tag. It’s about the invaluable information you gain to transform mealtimes with your child, a priceless shift for your every day life. For $187, you’ll get insight from an experience occupational therapist on how to remove mealtime battles from your table.

Remember, your satisfaction is my top priority. In the unlikely event that you find this course does not meet your expectations, I offer a 14-day satisfaction guarantee for a refund of the full cost- no questions asked

Join me on this transformative journey and unlock the joy of mealtime together!

Our Process For New Evaluations


Intake Call

We schedule an intake call to review concerns and challenges and review next steps. We will send you our intake paperwork.


We Review Paperwork

Our therapists review the intake paperwork and an other necessary documentation to understand your child.


In Person Evaluation

Our therapist conducts and in-person evaluation - usually between 60-90 minutes. We perform standardized testing as deemed appropriate.



We review initial concerns from the evaluation and collaborate on goal areas.


Detailed Report

Our therapist writes up a formal, detailed report for a clear picture of your child's strengths and areas of need.


Review Report

We review the report on a brief call. As a team, we determine the best schedule for your child's areas of need.

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