by Lisa Williams | Jan 15, 2024 | Tips & Tricks
There are many mixed feelings about New Year’s resolutions. But goal setting can be constructive, especially with your child! Over time, we see improvement for lasting change. It’s like your child’s growth – they won’t sprout 1 foot overnight. You may not...
by Lisa Williams | Jun 10, 2023 | Tips & Tricks
Getting a haircut can be a stressful experience for many children, especially if it is their first time or if they have sensory issues. Fortunately, there are steps that caregivers and caregivers can take to calm the child’s fears before, during, and after getting...
by Lisa Williams | Feb 23, 2023 | Tips & Tricks
Ever had your child meltdown in public and not know what to do? I’ve seen too many to count, especially living in Orlando and visiting Disney. The pediatric occupational therapist in me wants to always jump in and help. But how weird would you feel if a stranger came...